Paul has developed a way of sharing his life experiences with young people to challenge their thinking and inspire them to make positive life choices.

Paul Wade offers educational programmes that promote awareness of key life values that can be experienced through sport and activity.

The Skills for Life Program is a highly successful and uniquely crafted motivational presentation that explores specific mindsets and values that shape life and business. The talk provides examples of where people can work as team players, or individually to make informed decisions and achieve success in all facets of life.

Paul is a highly entertaining speaker who incorporates fun with very strong motivational and inspirational messages geared towards his participants. Paul has developed a way of sharing his life experiences with students of all ages to challenge their thinking and inspire them to make positive life choices. This presentation can be delivered as a highly motivating presentation or as a series of shorter workshops. The presentations and workshops can be tailored to suit your school year group and can include:

  • Leadership: The traits of leadership, through service, worth, respect, decency, acceptance and diplomacy.
  • Choices: Choosing to choose
  • Transition: From primary to high school, high school to adult life, from student to valued community member
  • Goal setting: Setting and scoring them. Forming a career plan and researching their options and the various pathways to achieve their goals
  • Life’s little challenges
  • Resilience: How you can cope
  • Motivation: The reasons behind my actions and behaviour
  • Teamwork, planning and organising
  • A balanced life
  • Sacrifices
  • The communication highway
  • Attitude
  • Disclosure and asking for help
Paul Wade understands and has the first hand experience to know that students need to have their horizons broadened and understand how their interests are linked to careers. Paul himself started his career as an Apprentice Draftsman.

Being focused on forward thinking about career pathways leads directly to motivation. These presentations promote realising your own potential and accepting your choices and their consequences.

In today’s world the ‘Personal Attributes’ of an employee are just as important as the technical skills required.

This presentation and workshop series includes topics such as:

  • Attitude
  • Learning
  • Adversity
  • Initiative and enterprise
  • Loyalty and honesty
  • Self Management
  • Enthusiasm
  • Dealing with stress
  • Technology
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Being your best
  • Getting to the top
  • Being an apprentice
  • Transitions: School to work to life
Paul’s intensive Workshop Gaining Opportunities And Life Skills (GOALS) is a combination of theory, open and honest discussion and practical skills session based on Paul’s life lessons and employability narratives. Gaining Opportunities And Life Skills (GOALS) delivers a 6 session program aimed at supporting ‘at risk,’ ‘disengaged’, students in need of flourishing and ‘refugee’ youths. This program can be delivered to High School and Primary School aged students.

Students at risk of falling out of school need relevance and disengaged students need a purpose. Those struggling after leaving school need hope, and newly arrived refugee students need to trust. Whilst some of our local students need someone just to listen and be there.

This program can also be adjusted to be delivered as a ‘High Achievers and Leadership’ Program.

  • Session 1: Success – Achievements, self esteem, confidence
  • Session 2: Choices – Ownership, knowledge, preparation, leadership, problem solving, resilience
  • Session 3: Motivators – Goals, fears, my best, rewards, other people
  • Session 4: Teamwork, communication, relationships, respect, attitude, co-operation, tolerance
  • Session 5: Program review and celebration
  • Session 6: Re-motivate

Life Ready is a mandatory 25-hour course designed to prepare and support senior students as they encounter situations related to health and safety.

Paul’s successes & failures in facing challenges with health & wellness will help prepare students to take ownership of their futures.

Acknowledging strengths & celebrating successes is a great place to start when building Independence.

A wholistic view of life & stress management through self-awareness, optimism & help, will certainly ease the transition to life after school & his advice in building Independence is “don’t just aspire to lead, aspire to make a difference.”

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With a focus on Years 3 – 6 students are introduced to the life skills that will be important to them as they head into their teenage years. Stories are simplified to ensure the life lessons are age appropriate and relevant.

For Years 5 & 6 the ‘I’m Heading to High School’ presentation focuses on the issues that the students may be concerned about as they leave the security of Primary School and head to High School. Themes include choices, friendships, team work and respect. To maintain the fun and enjoyable elements of these days the Primary School programs can also include a life skills practical session.